There’s lots of way’s for you to become involved with Bexhill Radio & it isn’t restricted to tuning in!
We’re always on the search for new volunteers to join our team & help us continue our impressive growth. From presenters to support staff, we always have roles available for anyone who wants to JOIN UP & JOIN IN
Bexhill Radio are seeking presenters for new shows, especially live weekend shows where you will represent and be the voice of the station. It’s not for everyone tho’ Being a presenter is very hard work from researching your music and any info you include in a show all the way to meeting your schedule commitments. No experience? don’t worry, if you have the drive and passion then we have the time & patience to help you. All that’s needed at the start is a laptop, microphone and a good internet connection to start your journey. Remember, this is a volunteer, work from home position where the standard is already very high.
Being a Radio Presenter is a great way to push your social profile so if you are at the beginning of your journey why not become part of an exciting team that is already exceeding expectations.
Bexhill Radio is not all about playing music.
Our presenters are hard pushed to create high quality shows and we need researchers to find local events, set up interviews and help include and embrace the local community.
This is a volunteer, work from home position and a fantastic inclusion on any potential future CV.
We have grown at an alarming rate over the last 18 months and the growth isn’t slowing.
We are looking for budding social media guru’s who can expand our website and move our social media platforms to a higher level.
If you have an understanding of WordPress, PHP, SQL, Facebook, Instagram and/ or Twitter then why not consider a volunteer role with Bexhill Radio. This would be the ideal start for those beginning their journey at college or similar.
This is a volunteer, work from home position that would sit with many I.T college courses.
Should you have any interest in the above why not contact us –